In the series AEON, Marcel Rickli examines the complex challenges involved in the final storage of nuclear waste. His images open up a broad panorama of barren landscapes, sterile underground facilities, rock formations, and minimalistic signs and symbols. With reference to the ancient Greek term for eternity, ho aiṓn, the Swiss artist points out the basic problem: the long half-life of radioactive elements. In addition to considering where and how the rubbish can be stored safely, Rickli is also concerned with the question of how a warning about the toxic deposits can be communicated to future forms of civilization and made understandable and sustainable over thousands of years. With photographs, sculptures, video and 3D renderings the artist meanders along interdisciplinary research; between natural science, anthropology and semiotics.
Festival adress
Lothringer 13 Halle
An art space of the city of Munich
Lothringer Str. 13, 81667 Munich
opening hours during exhibitions
Lothringer 13 Halle
Tue — Sun, 11 am — 7 pm
Free entry. Access to the hall is barrier-free.
Festival adress
Lothringer 13 Halle
An art space of the city of Munich
Lothringer Str. 13, 81667 Munich
opening hours during exhibitions
Lothringer 13 Halle
Tue — Sun, 11 am — 7 pm
Free entry. Access to the hall is barrier-free.